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Welcome to Snagit Editor : Get Familiar with the Editor : The Ribbon Tabs : Hotspots Tab

Hotspots Tab
Create or modify links and hotspots in a capture or, insert new hotspots. Click on a hotspot to view and modify the hotspot properties or reposition and resize the hotspot.
To add a link or hotspot:
In the Shapes group, select the shape of the hotspot. Drag on the canvas to create.
In the Links group, enter the following:
Link address: Enter the address for the link.
Tooltip: Enter the text that appears when you hover over the hotspot with the mouse.
In the Flash Popup group select the following options:
Outline: Only available with the Text Flash popup option. Select a color for the text popup border.
Fill: Only available with the Text Flash popup option. Select a color for the text popup background.
Highlight: Available for both text and graphic popups. Select the color the hotspot turns when you hover over the hotspot with the mouse.
Click Flash Popup to select No Popup, Text Popup, or Graphic Popup.
The Outline, Fill, and Highlight options for the popups enable after you select an option.
The Editing group contains the following commands:
Select all: Select all hotspots on the canvas.
Remove Selected: Delete hotspots currently selected.
Image File Types that Support Hotspots
To use hotspots in your final image, you must e-mail or save your image as one of the following:
To use hotspots in a capture embedded in an e-mail (only with Outlook or Outlook Express), you can use one of the following file types:
Hotspots Not Supported Dialog Box
There are two versions of the Hotspots Not Supported dialog box:
In these dialog boxes, you can do one of the following:

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