The Show / Hide group gives options for turning on the gridline view, opening and closing the Search Pane, and opening and closing the Library.When using Gridlines, zoom in to 600% or higher to bring the gridlines into view. The Zoom group contains the Pan option, zoom magnification levels, and an option to return the view to 100% view.
The Pan tool moves the canvas around in the window without changing the zoom level. To use, click Pan. Click the capture and drag. Press <Ctrl + Shift + Drag> to pan while working in other tabs.
To change zoom levels, click the down arrow on the Zoom icon. Select a magnification level from the list. To return to normal view, click the 100% icon. Use the Window group options to switch from viewing just one capture or open media file to viewing multiple open files.
Cascade to view files in a cascading array.
Arrange All to arrange windows in vertical rows.
Switch Window to foreground and view a particular file or capture. Select the window name from the list. The Help and Training group gives access to the main help file and the Snagit Learning Center on the TechSmith Web site.