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Personal information
Name Prefix Enter the salutation or title you want to use later in messages. Typical ones are Mr, Frau, Dr.
Name Suffix Enter any add-on for someone's name. Especially useful for countries in which first names are inherited from elders: George Bush Jr.
Birthday Check this and put in your contact's birthday. Note: The Bat! can be set up to remind you of birthdays during start-up. Tip: Use the provided calendar for month and day only; it is much easier and faster to fill in the year manually.
Telephone numbers
Voice Put in the private phone number.
Facsimile If available you can enter the private fax number.
Car/Cellular The place for your contact's mobile number.
Home location
The entries are self-explanatory. Remember that this tab is for a person's non-business information.
Personal Web Homepage Put in the URL of your contact's private Web site. You can go there directly by clicking Go.
Note: Any information in an address book entry can later be retrieved by macros in templates to automate composition or filter tasks. Note: Fields can be "recylced" - by clever use of address book fields and %ABnnnPPP template macros and a little imagination, you can store and retrieve any kind of information in the address book.