Cron Date / Time Format

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The Cron format allows you to define time and frequency for tasks efficiently; it is more flexible than picking a date and time from a calendar but almost as simple.





The classic format consists of five fields separated by a space: <Minute> <Hour> <Day of the Month> <Month of the Year> <Day of the Week>. The extended  version adds a sixth: <Minute> <Hour> <Day of the Month> <Month of the Year> <Day of the Week> <Year>.


Any field may contain a list of values separated by commas, (e.g. 1,3,7) or a range of values (two integers separated by a hyphen, e.g. 1-5).




The asterisk (*) - defining the complete range for any field - is allowed for all fields, while the question mark (?) can only be used in the first four fields.


After an asterisk or a range of values, you can use the slash (/) to specify repeating values (see below for an example).





† Year: 1900-3000
† Day of the Week: 1-7, where 1 is Monday and 7 Sunday
† Month of the Year: 1-12, according to the standard calendar year from January to December
† Day of the Month: 1-31
† Hour: 0-23; midnight being represented by 0
† Minute: 0-59


Note: For <Month> and <Day of the Week> you can use the English short names instead of numbers (Jan, Feb,...,Dec; Mon,Tue,...,Sun).





25 14 17 8 * * Every  year, on August 17th at 14:25
59 23 31 12 5 * One minute before the end of year if the last day of the year is Friday
* * * * * * Every minute
0-23/2 (Hour field) every two hours over the whole day




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