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Change the color of text objects

To set the color of text in Microsoft® Expression Blend™, set properties under Brushes in the Properties panel. Depending on the type of text object that you use, you can set two or more of the following color properties:

To set the color of text
  1. Do one of the following:
    • To format all of the text in a text box, select the text control object by using either the Selection tool or the Direct Selection tool.
    • To format only some of the text in a TextBlock or RichTextBox text control object, click either the Selection tool or the Direct Selection tool in the Toolbox, right-click the text box object, click Edit Text, and then drag to select the text that you want to format.
  2. In the Properties panel, under Brushes, select Foreground, and then use the brush options below to set the desired appearance.

For more information about using brushes and setting the appearance of an object, see Appearance essentials.