Uncertainly recognized characters and words not found in
dictionary are highlighted in different colors. By default, light
blue is used for uncertain characters and pink for words not found
in the dictionary. To change the colors used:
Select the Uncertain Character (or Not in Dictionary
word) item followed by the color of your choice in the
Color item on the View tab
(Tools>Options menu) in the Appearance group
To check recognition results:
Click the 3-Check Spelling button on the
WizardBar toolbar (or select the Check Spelling item
in the Tools menu).
The spelling checker looks for uncertain words,
words not found in dictionaries and misspelled words. To check
spelling, either click this button or press F7
The Check Spelling dialog will open.
There are three windows in the Check Spelling dialog. The
top window is similar to the FineReader Zoom window and
displays the original image of the word. The middle window displays
the word itself, and the line above the name of the error type. The
Suggestions window at the bottom provides you with
replacement suggestions (if any exist). Note that suggestions are
based on the dictionary selected in the Dictionary language
drop-down list; any language may be chosen from this list. Note: You can enlarge the Check Spelling dialog to
make it easier to check and edit text. Simply click the dialog
border; the mouse pointer will become a double-headed arrow. Drag
the border to make the dialog larger or smaller
If words have been misspelt, you can do one of the
Click the Ignore button to leave the word
Click the Ignore All button to leave all such words in
the text unchanged. Note. When you click the Ignore or Ignore All
button, the "uncertain" flag is removed from word i.e. the system
assumes that the word no longer contains any unrecognized or
uncertain characters and no longer needs to be highlighted. As a
result, when you export such words in PDF format and select the
Replace uncertain words with images mode, the words for
which the "uncertain" flag has been removed will not be replaced
with images.
Select a replacement suggestion and then click the
Replace or Replace All button to replace the current
word or all such words in the text. If no correct suggestion has
been made for the word in the Suggestions window, you can
enter one yourself in the middle window. (Important: when you
switch to edit mode, certain buttons may change function and adopt
new captions). Click the Confirm (Confirm All) button
to change the current word (or all such words) in the text and move
to the next uncertainly recognized word.
Click Add... to add
the word to the dictionary. Once a word is added, the
application will consider all subsequent occurrences of this word
in any of its word forms to be correct.
Click Options... to set the spelling check options.
Click Close to close the dialog window.
Moving between uncertain words
To check the recognition results quickly, you can use the
button and
button to move to the next or previous uncertain word
You can also use the F4 (SHIFT F4) hotkey to
navigate between uncertain words.