Changing the Appearance of Program Windows

ABBYY Lingvo allows you to change the appearance and position of the main program window, card windows, and program dialog boxes.

The appearance and position of the main window
Changing the interface language
You can select the necessary interface language on the General tab of the Options dialog box (Tools>Options… ).

You need to restart ABBYY Lingvo for the changes to take effect.

Changing the size of the main window
  1. Rest the mouse pointer on one of the window borders (the mouse pointer will change its shape to a double-headed arrow).

  2. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the border to the desired location.

The size of the main window will be preserved even if you quit the current ABBYY Lingvo session.
Changing the position of the main window
Click in the ABBYY Lingvo window, hold down the left mouse button and drag the window to the desired location. The position of the main window will be preserved even if you quit the current Lingvo session.

If you wish the main window to dock to a screen border, select the Dock window option on the General tab of the Options dialog box (Tools>Options…).

If you wish the ABBYY Lingvo window to be positioned above all other windows, click the  button.
Showing/hiding main window toolbars

To show/hide a toolbar, select/clear the corresponding bar on the Tools>Toolbars menu. You can also call this menu by right-clicking any toolbar.

You can hide the Bookshelf by clicking on the Languages and Groups bar. Similarly. Click to show the Bookshelf again.
Changing the size of a card window or dialog box
To change the size of a card window or dialog box:
  1. Rest the mouse pointer on one of the borders of a card window or dialog box (the mouse pointer will change its shape to a double-headed arrow).

  2. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the border to the desired location.

The size of the card window or dialog box will be preserved even if you quit the current ABBYY Lingvo session.

Adjusting the transparency of the main window

You can change the transparency of the main window from 0% (non-transparent) to 90% on the View tab of the Options dialog box (Tools>Options…). Alternatively, you can right-click the main window and select a transparency value on the shortcut menu (Transparency item).

Important! This option is not available under Microsoft® Windows® 98/Me.
Changing fonts and font sizes in the main window
You can change the font and font size of the word list in the main program window on the View tab of the Options dialog box(Tools>Options…).
The appearance and position of card windows and dialog boxes
Making a card window or dialog box permanent
Each time you open a new card window or dialog box, it replaces the previously opened card window or dialog box. To prevent this from happening, a card window or dialog box can be made permanent. Simply click the  button located in the right-hand corner of the card window or dialog box. Permanent card windows and dialog boxes can only be closed by clicking the Close button located in the upper right corner of the card or dialog box.
Closing all the open card windows and dialog boxes
If there are multiple card windows and dialog boxes open on your screen and you want to close all of them:
  • Click on the command bar or select the Close Temporary Cards and Dialog Boxes command on the Tools menu to close all temporary cards and dialog boxes.

  • Select the Close All Cards and Dialog Boxes on the Tools menu to close all cards and dialog boxes, both temporary and permanent.
Changing fonts, font size and font colour in card windows and dialog boxes
You can change the size and colour of the font and the colour of hyperlinks, labels and optional text in card windows on the View tab of the Options dialog box (Tools>Options…).
Arranging card windows

To arrange several card windows which have been opened in various parts of the screen, select the Arrange Cards command on the Tools menu, or press CTRL+A. The cards will be arranged in a cascade relative to the first card in the order in which they were opened.

Showing/hiding the navigation panel
To hide the navigation panel in a card window, click the  button which is located on the toolbar of the card. To show the navigation panel, click .
Adjusting the transparency of a card window

You can change the transparency of a card window from 0% (non-transparent) to 90% on the View tab of the Options dialog box (Tools>Options…). To use this option, you must first select the Apply transparency settings to cards option in the ABBYY Lingvo Main Window group.

Showing stress in entries

To highlight stressed vowels in the text of entries, select the Show stress option on the View tab of the Options dialog box (Tools>Options…). You can select a colour for stressed vowels or choose to show stress only in headwords.