Translating words and phrases in ABBYY Lingvo 9.0

To translate a word or a phrase from the Word List:

Note: When typing a word or a phrase in the Edit Line, you jump directly to the respective entry in the Word List. Therefore, when you press ENTER or click or select the Open Card from Word List item from the Tools menu, you are translating not the word from the Edit Line, but the respective entry you have found in the Word List.

To translate a word or a phrase from the Edit Line:

  1. Type a word or a phrase in the Edit Line.
  2. Do one of the following:

How words and phrases are translated in ABBYY Lingvo

  1. If the word or phrase in the Edit Line has an equivalent in the Word List (i.e. it is the head word of an entry) or is a full prefix of the word or phrase in the Word List, the corresponding dictionary card will be displayed.
  2. If the word or phrase in the Edit Line has an equivalent in the Word List (i.e. it is the head word of an entry) or is its full prefix and is at the same a derivative of a word from the Word List, the corresponding dictionary card will be displayed together with translations of word forms.
  3. If the word or phrase in the Edit Line has no equivalent in the Word List (i.e. it is not a prime form), it will be parsed and the prime forms of words and phrases will be singled out (in this case the Translate command is equivalent to translating words and phrases from other applications).


  1. If more than three cards have been found, the Translations window will be displayed.
  2. If the word has not been found in any of the dictionaries, the Suggestions window will be displayed listing words similar to the word in the Edit Line.
  3. The Translate command combines two operations to which two different buttons corresponded in the previous versions of Lingvo: opening the card of the word or phrase typed in the Edit Line and translating the word or phrase typed in the Edit Line.

Attention! The length of your translated text fragment should not exceed 32 words.

To change the translation direction:

To invert the translation direction:

Additional translation features:

  1. You can translate any word you see on a card. (For details see Translating a word or a phrase from card).
  2. By default, ABBYY Lingvo will use the current pair of languages to determine the language of the text you are trying to translate in an external application.

    In ABBYY Lingvo 9.0 Popular Dictionary, you can ask Lingvo to use all the available languages to determine the language of the text you are trying to translate.

    If ABBYY Lingvo 9.0 determines that the language of your text fragment is the same as one of the languages of the current language pair, it will translate your text into the other language of the current language pair. If Lingvo determines that the language of your text fragment is not the same as one of the languages of the current language pair, it will translate your fragment using all the available languages (i.e. the languages of all the active dictionaries). (For details see Working with several languages). 

For details see:

Suggestions window

Translations window

Translating a word or phrase from a card

ABBYY Lingvo Popular Dictionary Features














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