About why your current Money account balance
doesn't match the bank's balance
Your Money and bank balances can differ for a few reasons:
- When you update your account
group of transactions in Money for a single bank, brokerage,
retirement, loan, or credit card account. Accounts can also track
assets such as houses or vehicles, or investments that you want to
watch but do not own. See also watch account.) information
online, you get all of the information the bank has at that moment.
Your online update may show transactions
withdrawal, deposit or transfer of funds, or a purchase, a sale, or
an exchange of a security. ) that had not cleared your
account when your bank's paper statement
(Bank or brokerage records of transactions processed in
your accounts. Statements can be on paper, or they can be
downloaded or imported from your bank's Web site. ) was
- If you entered some transactions manually, Money adjusts your
balance to account for those transactions. If you use online
updates, you should match (The process of
combining two transactions in your account register that are
actually the same transaction. These duplicate transactions
typically occur when you enter transactions manually and then
download transactions from your bank.) the transactions you
entered with the transactions downloaded from your bank.
- Some banks update their Web sites throughout the day, but
provide updates to Money only once a day.
- In rare cases, an online update will add more than one copy of
a transaction to your account. The extra copy of a transaction will
affect your balance. You can adjust your Money balance by deleting
the duplicate copies.
- If you have deleted transactions from the register that were
marked as reconciled (R), your balance in Money
will be wrong until you make an adjustment to the account for the
deleted transactions.