The Net Worth chart shows a forecast of how your net worth will change over time.
Assets include both liquid and non-liquid assets. Examples of liquid assets are retirement accounts , bank accounts, taxable investments , and stock options. Examples of non-liquid assets are homes and businesses.
Liabilities include your long-term loans , such as a mortgage on your home. Money does not include short-term liabilities, such as credit card debt you enter in your debt reduction plan, when calculating your net worth.
Generally, you can expect your net worth to increase prior to retirement as you pay off loans and contribute to your savings, as your savings grow, and as the value of your non-liquid assets appreciates. You can expect your net worth to decrease during retirement when you begin living off the money you've saved.
If you have any net worth left over at the end of your lifetime plan, that money will be available for your heirs and for paying estate taxes.
To enter liquid asset accounts, go to the Savings & investments pages in the Lifetime Planner. To enter non-liquid assets, go to the Homes & assets page. To enter loans, go to the Loans & debt page. To view a forecast chart, see the related topics below.