C H A P T E R    9 Part 2  Deploying Microsoft Office Microsoft Office Resource Kit
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In This Chapter
Removing Previous Versions of Office
Solving Common Setup Problems

See Also

   Note    The information in this chapter applies to Office 97 for Windows. For information about troubleshooting Office for the Macintosh installation, see "Rolling Out Office 98 for the Macintosh" in Chapter 4, "Installing Microsoft Office."

For administrators who want to completely remove previous versions of Microsoft Office from the computers in their organization, this chapter describes the Microsoft Office 97 Upgrade Wizard. This chapter also addresses some of the issues that you may encounter when installing Office 97, or that may arise after Office has been installed.


Removing Previous Versions of Office

When you install Office 97 for Windows, Setup allows you to remove files from previous versions of Office or Office applications from your hard disk. Because some shared files installed with previous versions of Office might be used by other applications, however, Setup may leave some files on your computer.

The Office 97 Upgrade Wizard allows you to find and remove all files left behind by previous installations of Office. This section describes how to use the Upgrade Wizard and how you can customize its operation.

   Tools and Utilities    The Office Resource Kit Tools and Utilities include the Office 97 Upgrade Wizard. For more information about how to install the Upgrade Wizard, see "Network Installation Wizard version 2.1" in Appendix A, "Microsoft Office Resource Kit Tools and Utilities."

Using the Office 97 Upgrade Wizard

The Upgrade Wizard helps you find and remove old Office files, registry entries, INI file entries, and
Start menu items or Program Manager items that you no longer need on your computer. The Upgrade Wizard recognizes components of the following versions of Office and Office­related products:

Note   The Office 97 Upgrade Wizard runs on Windows 95 and the Windows NT operating system only.

Start the Upgrade Wizard

To start the Upgrade Wizard, double­click Offcln97.exe. The Upgrade Wizard displays a Welcome panel.

Note   No files are removed by the Upgrade Wizard until you click Finish in the last panel. Until that time, you can click Exit to quit without removing any files, or you can click Back to change the option or files you have selected.

Select the Type of Cleanup

After the initial Welcome panel, the Upgrade Wizard presents you with three options, so you can control the degree to which the wizard cleans up your system.

These options are:

Note   If Office 97 is installed on your computer and you select the Completely remove all of my old Office applications option, the Upgrade Wizard displays a warning that Office 97 files may be removed. If you continue, you must reinstall Office 97 after the wizard finishes to restore any shared files needed by Office 97.

Select Applications to Remove

If you select the option Let me decide which Microsoft Office applications will be removed, the Upgrade Wizard displays a panel with a list of the applications it finds in the Applications to keep box. To move an application from this box to the Applications to remove box, select the application and then click the appropriate move button. All applications you move to the Applications to remove box are removed by the Upgrade Wizard.

Two special entries in the list of applications are Files in Temporary Folder and Files in Recycle Bin. If you move Files in Temporary Folder to the Applications to remove box, then the Upgrade Wizard deletes all files found in the following folders.

If you move Files in Recycle Bin to the Applications to remove box, then the Upgrade Wizard deletes all files currently in the Recycle Bin.

Select Files to Keep

In the next step, the Upgrade Wizard searches the computer for files belonging to the Office and Office­related applications you selected in the previous panels and then displays a list of the files it finds in the Files to remove box. All files in this list are removed by the Upgrade Wizard. When you select a file in the Files to remove box, a description of the file is displayed below the box, including which applications use the file. To keep a file, select it and then click the appropriate move button to move it to the
Files to keep box.

Note   Another way to review this list of files is to save the list to a text file by clicking the Save As button, or to print the list by clicking the Print button.

Start File Removal

In the final panel of the Upgrade Wizard, click Finish to remove the selected files from your computer. To return to a previous panel to change options or selected files, click Back. Click Exit to quit the Upgrade Wizard before any files are removed.

Caution   After you click Finish, you cannot stop the Upgrade Wizard as it removes files. Files are removed permanently, and they cannot be retrieved without reinstalling the original applications.

Running the Clean­up Process

The Upgrade Wizard uses a text file (OPC) to identify all files, registry entries, INI entries, or Start menu or Program Manager items that were installed or modified by previous versions of Office and Office­related products. The OPC file also contains rules that describe what files or entries to clean up, where they are located, and under what conditions the Upgrade Wizard can delete them. Files that are associated with a single Office application are marked so that they can be deleted in safe mode. Files that are shared by multiple Office applications, or that might be used by other applications, are marked so that they can be deleted only in aggressive mode. The default OPC included in the Office Resource Kit is named Offcln97.opc.

The Upgrade Wizard searches the computer to determine what Office applications have been installed. If you selected Remove only the files that I absolutely do not need, then the Upgrade Wizard looks for files belonging to an Office application that is no longer installed on the computer, and it flags only those files for deletion. These are files that may have been left behind due to an incomplete uninstall of the
Office application.

In addition, the Upgrade Wizard looks for files belonging to shared components that remain on the system even though a newer version of these components has been installed. For example, if the computer contains files from both Microsoft Graph version 4.0 and Microsoft Graph 95, the Upgrade Wizard flags the Graph 4.0 files for deletion because their functionality is replaced by Graph 95. However, if the computer has only Graph 4.0 files, they are not flagged for deletion.

If you selected Let me decide which Microsoft Office applications will be removed, the Upgrade Wizard also gives you the choice of marking for deletion any previous Office applications currently installed on the computer. The Upgrade Wizard does not delete any files that remove functionality from other Office applications. For example, if you select to remove Microsoft Word 95 but not Microsoft Excel 95, then the Upgrade Wizard will not remove any shared files used by Excel 95.

If you selected Completely remove all of my old Office applications, the Upgrade Wizard looks for all files associated with previous versions of Office applications and marks them for deletion. If you have already installed Office 97, you must reinstall it because there are some files installed by Office 97 that were also installed in previous versions of Office — the Upgrade Wizard removes all these files. To reinstall Office 97, rerun Setup and click Reinstall.

Customizing the Office 97 Upgrade Wizard

By specifying command­line options for the Upgrade Wizard, or by creating a copy of the OPC file with a few modifications, you can customize the Upgrade Wizard to perform the operations you need for your users' computers. For example, you can create a batch file that runs the Upgrade Wizard in quiet mode, removing all files from previous versions of Office and emptying the user's temporary folders and Recycle Bin. (For more information, see "Customization Example" later in this chapter.)

Command­Line Options

Using command­line options, you can specify the mode in which the Upgrade Wizard runs, the OPC file it uses, the log file it creates, and so forth. To run the Upgrade Wizard with command­line options, click the Run command on the Start menu (Windows 95 or Windows NT Workstation version 4.0) or on the File menu in Program Manager (Windows NT Workstation version 3.51).

The Upgrade Wizard recognizes the following command­line options:

Offcln97.exe [/a|/s [/q[/r]] [/l][!][log file]]] [opc file]

For example, to run the Upgrade Wizard in aggressive mode without user intervention, restarting the system automatically if needed and creating the default log file, type this:

Offcln97.exe /a /q /r /l

OPC File Syntax

The OPC file consists of two sections: Definitions and Commands. The Upgrade Wizard uses the Definitions section to help determine which commands in the Commands section to execute. When all the commands in the Commands section have been evaluated and either executed or skipped, the Upgrade Wizard is finished.

By making careful changes to the OPC file, particularly in the Definitions section, you can customize the way in which the Upgrade Wizard works.

Note   Throughout the OPC file, comments are identified by a semicolon (;) at the beginning of the line. The Upgrade Wizard ignores all text following a semicolon.

Definitions Section

The Definitions section allows you to change the default value of dependency variables. These are special keywords that are used by the Upgrade Wizard in the Commands section to determine which groups of files may be deleted. Dependency variables represent either a specific application, such as Word 95, or a special set of files, such as files in the Windows\Temp folder.

The Definitions section consists of one or more lines, formatted as follows:

dependency variable = value

The values of the dependency variables indicate the following:

After the Upgrade Wizard processes the Definitions section, all dependency variables have either the value KEEP or REMOVE. For example, suppose Word 95 is currently installed on the computer, and Excel 95 is not. The following definitions assign the values shown in safe mode.

Note   The Upgrade Wizard determines whether a particular application is currently installed on the computer by looking for a specific file in a specific folder, or by checking registry or INI entries. The files or entries that the Upgrade Wizard looks for are defined by an internal table in the Upgrade Wizard and cannot be modified by the user. The Upgrade Wizard detects whether an application is installed only if the dependency variable is set to DETECT.

The following dependency variable application names are recognized by the Upgrade Wizard.

Dependency variables may be special purpose keywords. These have predefined values that may be changed in the Definitions section.

The Upgrade Wizard also uses certain special purpose keywords with predefined values that may not be changed in the Definitions section.

In safe mode, the Upgrade Wizard sets the value of the dependency variable SAFE to REMOVE
and RISKY to KEEP. The result is that any command that has the dependency variable RISKY is not executed in safe mode. In aggressive mode, however, the Upgrade Wizard sets the value of both SAFE and RISKY to REMOVE. The result is that any command that has the dependency variable RISKY is executed in aggressive mode, if no other dependency variables have the value KEEP.

The OPC file included in the Office Resource Kit uses the RISKY dependency variable for commands that include files shared by several applications, such as the spelling checker or clip art files. These files are removed only if the Upgrade Wizard is run in aggressive mode, after which you need to reinstall Office 97 to restore the files.

Commands Section

The Commands section contains one or more commands that consist of a dependency list and a set of actions. The Upgrade Wizard evaluates the dependency list to determine whether the command should be executed.

The dependency lists contains dependency variables, each of which has the value KEEP or REMOVE. (The Upgrade Wizard already changed all DETECT values to KEEP or REMOVE when it finished processing the Definitions section.) If all the dependency variables in the dependency list have the value REMOVE, then the Upgrade Wizard executes the actions listed in the command. If any dependency variable has the value KEEP, then the Upgrade Wizard skips this command and goes to the next one.

Commands are formatted as follows:

[dependency list] "description"


The following sections describe actions that may be associated with commands.


This action indicates a file to be removed. The syntax is:

folder\file "description"

A folder name may be an explicit path, such as C:\Users\Tools.dat, or you can use one of the following predefined folder names.

Registry Entry

This action indicates a registry entry to be removed. The syntax is:


For example:


Win.ini Entry

This action indicates a section or key to be removed from the Win.ini file. The syntax is:

Win.ini, section, key

Application INI Entry

This action indicates a section or key to be removed from an application INI file. The syntax is:

INI=folder\file, section, key

Menu Item

This action indicates an item on the Start menu (Windows 95 or Windows NT Workstation 4.0) or in a Program Manager group (Windows NT Workstation 3.51) to be removed. The syntax is:


Special Action

This action includes special functions that are predefined in the Upgrade Wizard. The syntax is:


Customization Example

Suppose you want to create a command for your users that does the following:

In addition, suppose you want to remove an internal company tool that is being replaced by Office 97 functionality. The program is called Chart.exe, and it resides in the C:\Program Files\Internal\Chart folder on users' computers, along with support files, Chartsub.dll, Chartprt.dat, and Readme.txt in the same folder.

To do this, use the following procedure:

To create the customized Upgrade Wizard command

  1. Create a copy of the OPC file and name it Newopc.opc.
  2. Open Newopc.opc in a text editor.

    This file is too large for Notepad, but it can be edited in WordPad.

  3. Change the following values at the beginning of the file to REMOVE, as shown here:
  4. To indicate that the listed files will always be deleted, go to the beginning of the Commands section (immediately before the [RECYCLEBINCONTENTS] command) and add the following lines:
    [SAFE] "Internal charting tool"
    C:\program files\internal\chart\chart.exe
    C:\program files\internal\chart\chartsub.dll
    C:\program files\internal\chart\chartprt.dat
    C:\program files\internal\chart\readme.txt
  5. Save and close Newopc.opc.
  6. Test your customized Newopc.opc file on a user's computer using the /l!logfile command­line option to generate a log of the files that would be deleted.

You can distribute your customized OPC file to users, along with the Upgrade Wizard (Offcln97.exe). Instruct users to enter the following command using the Run command on the Start menu (Windows 95 or Windows NT Workstation 4.0) or on the File menu in Program Manager (Windows NT Workstation 3.51):

Offcln97.exe /a /q /r Newopc.opc

Temporary folder Description
Windows\Temp or Windows\Tmp The Windows temporary folder.
%TEMP% or %TMP% The folder identified by the MS­DOS environment variable %TEMP% or %TMP%.
drive:\Temp or drive:\Tmp The MS­DOS temporary folder; drive refers to a hard disk (the Upgrade Wizard looks at every hard disk on the computer).
Option Description
/s Indicates safe mode. This option performs the same function as selecting Let me decide which Microsoft Office applications will be removed in the Upgrade Wizard. When you use this command­line option, the Upgrade Wizard does not allow you to select which files to keep.
/a Indicates aggressive mode. This option performs the same function as selecting Completely remove all of my old Office applications in the Upgrade Wizard. When you use this command­line option, the Upgrade Wizard does not allow you to select which files to keep.
/q Indicates quiet mode. The Upgrade Wizard runs without prompting the user for information or displaying progress indicators. If the system needs to be restarted, the Upgrade Wizard does not do so automatically; the tasks are completed the next time the user restarts the system. This command­line option must be preceded by the /a or /s option.
/r Used with the /q option to restart the system automatically (without prompting the user) if needed. This command­line option must be preceded by the /q option.
/llogfile Generates the log file specified by logfile. (There is no space between /l and the name of the log file.) If /l is specified without a log file name, the default log file created is Pclogout.txt in the current folder of the Upgrade Wizard.
/l!logfile Does the same as /l, except the Upgrade Wizard does not delete any files. This option is useful to test what the Upgrade Wizard does before actually deleting files.
Opc file Indicates the name of the OPC file. The default is Offcln97.opc in the current folder of the Upgrade Wizard.
Item Description
dependency variable A reserved keyword recognized by the Upgrade Wizard. These may be application names or special purpose keywords used to trigger certain functions.
Value A dependency variable may have one of three values:
  • KEEP (equivalent terms are FALSE or EXIST)
  • REMOVE (equivalent terms are TRUE or NOTEXIST)
This definition Results in this value
Special purpose keyword Description
TEMPFOLDERCONTENTS Used to determine whether to remove files from temporary folders. Defaults to KEEP.
TEMPTWIDDLEFILESONLY Used to determine whether to remove files preceded by a tilde (~) from temporary folders. Defaults to KEEP.
RECYCLEBINCONTENTS Used to determine whether to empty the contents of the Windows Recycle Bin. Defaults to KEEP.
Special purpose keyword Description
RISKY Set to REMOVE in aggressive mode and KEEP in safe mode.
SAFE Always set to REMOVE. This keyword is used only to clarify which section in the OPC file might be deleted in safe mode.
AFTER97INSTALL Defaults to REMOVE if RISKY has the value REMOVE or if OFFICE97 has the value KEEP. Otherwise, it defaults to KEEP.
Item Description
dependency list A list of one or more dependency variables separated by commas.
description A string that describes the files listed under this command. In the Upgrade Wizard, if a user selects a file associated with this command in the Files to remove list, the string is displayed. The string may contain any number of characters and spaces, but must not begin with a space, tab character, or quotation mark (").
action The name and path of a file to delete, a registry entry to remove, an INI file entry to remove, or a special action to execute.
Item Description
folder A fully qualified path, or one of a predefined list of folder keywords; optional
file The name of the file to be removed
description An optional string describing the file
This folder keyword Represents this folder
WINDIR Windows root folder
SYSDIR Windows System folder
ROOTDIR Root folder of the hard disk containing Office 95
SYSMENUROOTDIR Windows Start Menu folder
SYSMENUPROGRAMSDIR Programs folder under Windows Start Menu folder
SYSMENUSTARTUPDIR Start up folder under Windows Start Menu\Programs folder
SYSPROGRAMFILESDIR System Program Files folder
OFFICE94DIR Office 4.3 folder
ACCESS94DIR Microsoft Access version 2.0 folder
BOOKS94DIR Bookshelf 4.3 folder
BUTTONS94DIR MS­Bttns folder under the Office 4.3 folder
CLIPART94DIR Clip art folder for Office 4.3
EXCEL94DIR Excel version 5.0 folder
MSAPPS94DIR Shared application files folder for Office 4.3
POWERPOINT94DIR Microsoft PowerPoint version 4.0 folder
SETUP94DIR Setup for Office 4.3 folder
STARTMENU94DIR Office 4.3 folder under Windows Start Menu\Programs folder
WORD94DIR Word version 6.0 folder
OFFICEROOT95DIR Office 95 folder
OFFICE95DIR Office folder under Office 95 folder
ACCESS95DIR Access 95 folder
BINDER95DIR Office 95 Binders folder
BOOKS95DIR Bookshelf 95 folder
CLIPART95DIR Office 95 Clip art folder
EXCEL95DIR Excel 95 folder
EXCEL95VIEWERDIR Excel 95 Viewer folder
IMAGER95DIR Microsoft Imager 95 folder
MSAPPS95DIR Shared application files folder for Office 95
POWERPOINT95DIR PowerPoint 95 folder
POWERPOINT95VIEWERDIR PowerPoint 95 Viewer folder
SCHEDULE95DIR Schedule+ 95 folder
SOUNDS95DIR Shared sound files folder for Office 95
TEMPLATES95DIR Templates folder for Office 95
WORD95DIR Word 95 folder
WORD95IADIR Word 95 Internet Assistant folder
WORD95VIEWERDIR Word 95 Viewer folder
Item Description
HKxx The top­level registry key:
key The registry key or value to remove.
Item Description
section Section name in the Win.ini file.
Key Optional. If present, then only this key is deleted from the Win.ini file. If not present, then the entire section is deleted.
Item Description
folder A fully qualified path, or one of the predefined folder keywords described earlier in this section.
file The name of the INI file.
section The section name in the INI file.
key Optional. If present, then only this key is deleted from the INI file. If not present, then the entire section is deleted.
Item Description
group Name of the Program\Start Menu folder or Program Manager group.
item Item to be removed.
This function Removes these files
RemoveTempFiles All files from any of these folders and subfolders:
  • Windows\Temp or Windows\Tmp
  • %TEMP% or %TMP% (MS­DOS environment variable)
  • drive:\Temp or drive:\Tmp (all hard disks are checked)
RemoveTwiddleTempFiles All files that start with a tilde (~) character in the temporary folders listed under RemoveTempFiles
RemoveInternetExplorerCacheFiles All temporary files from the Microsoft Internet Explorer cache folder
RemoveNetscapeCacheFiles All temporary files from the Netscape Navigator cache folder
EmptyRecycleBinContents All files except Desktop.ini and Info from the Recycle Bin
RemoveOffice95ShortcutLnksAndTmps All LMK, TMP, and PIF files in the Office 95 Shortcut Bar folder
RemoveDuplicateWWINTL32DLL Wwintl32.dll in the Windows\System folder if it is also found in the Word 95 folder

Solving Common Setup Problems

This section addresses some common Setup errors that you may encounter during or after your installation of Office 97. In addition to explaining the possible causes of each error, the following sections also describe steps you can take to resolve the problem. Typically, these Setup errors can be corrected by changing the way you install Office.

Problems Related to Running Setup

The following errors may occur when you run the Office Setup program.

Cannot Open Setup.exe

When you rerun Office Setup to add or remove components after installing Office, and the message "Cannot open Setup.exe" is displayed, Setup is unable to locate the Setup.exe file.

Cause   This can occur if you originally installed Office from a network server using a drive letter, but the Setup files have been moved or you are disconnected from the correct network drive.

Solution   Connect to the administrative installation point using the same drive letter you used when you installed Office.

Disk Is Full

If you install Office or an Office component on a compressed drive, you may receive a message stating that the disk is full. This can occur even though Setup indicates that you have sufficient disk space for the components when you began the installation process.

Cause   When you install to a compressed drive, the amount of available disk space depends on the types of files that are on the compressed drive and how effective the disk compression technology is when you compress different types of data. In some cases, you may need significantly more disk space than the Setup program indicates.

Solution   Free some disk space and rerun Setup.

Setup Creates Mscreate.dir in Every Folder

After you run Setup, the file Mscreate.dir appears in every new folder created by the Setup program.

Cause   Setup creates Mscreate.dir (a 0­byte hidden file) in each folder to indicate that the folder was created by Setup. When you run Setup in maintenance mode and remove a component or click Remove All, Setup uses this file to determine whether an empty folder can be removed. If an empty folder does not contain Mscreate.dir, Setup does not remove the folder.

For example, you might create the folder My Files in the Office folder. When you run Office Setup in maintenance mode and click Remove All, your My Files folder is not removed by Setup, even if it is empty when you run Setup.

Solution   No action is needed.

~Mssetup.t\~Msstfqf.t Folder Remains After Setup

After you run Setup, a folder with the name ~Mssetup.t\~Msstfqf.t may be left on your hard disk.

Cause   This can occur if you run Setup to add or remove Office components and Setup restarts your computer to complete the installation update. Setup creates these temporary folders during installation, but cannot remove them while the computer is restarting.

Solution   After Setup has completed, you can delete these temporary folders manually if they remain on your hard disk after Setup is complete.

Problems Caused by Previously Installed Files

The following errors are caused by previously installed files. Most of these errors can be corrected by manually deleting the old files after you run Setup.

Not All Folders Are Deleted When You Remove Office

After you run Setup and select Remove All, the Office folder structure (Program Files\Microsoft Office by default or another folder you choose during Setup) remains on your disk.

Cause   This behavior is a function of Setup. Setup leaves Office folders intact so that files and INI entries that were not created by Office are not deleted. The Setup program deletes only what it installed.

Solution   Once you have removed any user files from the Office folder structure, you can delete the folders manually.

Setup Does Not Remove Application Shortcut

When you run Setup and click Remove All, the shortcut for the application that you remove may still be available in Windows. (This error occurs only when you install Office 97 in Windows 95 or Windows NT Workstation 4.0.)

Note   Shortcuts are added to the Windows\Start Menu\Programs folder and appear on the Programs submenu (Start menu).

Cause   This occurs if you have renamed the shortcut for the application. For example, if you rename the shortcut for Microsoft Word to Word, the shortcut is not removed when you run Setup and click Remove All. If Setup cannot locate the shortcut with the original name, it assumes that the shortcut does not exist.

Solution   You can delete the shortcut manually after running Setup.

Program Group Cannot Be Displayed

When you run Setup, you may receive the following message: "Program group groupname cannot be displayed." The message may appear repeatedly. (This error occurs only when installing Office 97 in Windows NT Workstation 3.51.)

Cause   This occurs when Setup tries to exceed the maximum of 40 program groups that Program Manager allows. If you already have 40 program groups, and you run Setup, you receive this error message if you choose to add a new program group.

Solution   To avoid receiving this error message when you already have 40 program groups in Program Manager, do one of the following:

  • Eliminate at least one program group before running Setup.
  • When Setup prompts you to add the program icons to a program group, select an existing program group instead of creating a new program group.

Setup Installs Shared Files Locally

When you install Office from an administrative installation point, the Setup program may copy shared files to the hard disk even if you specify that they should be run from the server. You do not receive a message informing you that these files are being installed locally; after Office is installed, the applications function correctly.

Cause   Setup checks the computer to see if a previous version of shared files exists on the hard disk. If so, Setup updates the existing version with Office 97 shared files.

Solution   Rerun Setup and click Remove All to uninstall Office 97, remove the previous Office files, and then install Office 97 again. You can remove files from previous versions of Office using the Office 97 Upgrade Wizard. See "Using the Office 97 Upgrade Wizard" earlier in this chapter.

Cannot Install _MSIMP.DLL into Notes Folder

When you run Setup on a workstation on which Lotus Notes is already installed, you may receive the error message: "_MSIMP.DLL can't be installed into Notes directory." _MSIMP.DLL is a converter that allows Lotus Notes to import Word documents.

Cause   If the Lotus Notes program file (Notes.exe) is located on a network server instead of in your local Notes folder and the server location is read­only, Setup cannot write the converter file to the server folder. Lotus Notes requires that the converter be in the same folder as the Lotus Notes program file.

Solution   Change the read­only setting of the Notes folder on the server and run Setup again.

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