Security Officer PIN |
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Note: available in Ritlabs The Bat! Professional only
The Security Officer (usually a system administrator) is the person who is entrusted with initialising and configuring the token. The token is placed in the Security Officer State when the Security Officer (SO) PIN has been entered and verified. This is the highest-level security state. When the SO PIN has been entered and verified and the token is in the SO state, in addition to performing actions are only available to the Security Officer, any actions that are valid for the User Security State can also be performed.
The person acting as Security Officer can configure the token to insist upon entry of the user PIN to perform certain actions. The Security Officer can also define the maximum number of times invalid user PINs can be entered before the user is blocked from entering a PIN. Once a user is blocked from entering a user PIN, only the Security Officer can reset the token to unblock user PIN entry.
Warning! Since the SO PIN offers the highest level of security, if a Security Officer forgets the SO PIN, the SO PIN cannot be retrieved from the token, and the token cannot be configured.
Note: available in Ritlabs The Bat! Professional only
You can change the Security Officer PIN from the Token Editor window.
The "Change Security Officer PIN" button allows you (or the Security Officer) to change the SO PIN. You will first be asked to enter the current SO PIN. The factory default SO PIN is rainbow. Next, you will be asked to enter the new SO PIN and to confirm it by typing it again. Type a PIN consisting of from 6 to 25 letters or numbers. |