User PIN

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Note: available in Ritlabs The Bat! Professional only


The hardware security token is placed in the User Security State when the user PIN has been entered and verified. Users are able to set and update their own user PINs.


When a user enters an invalid user PIN, a token counter decrements. The counter is reset when a valid user PIN is again entered, but if the counter decrements to zero, the user is blocked from entering a user PIN. Only the Security Officer can reset the token so that user PINs can again be entered. The factory-default value for the counter is 5.




Note: available in Ritlabs The Bat! Professional only


You can change the User PIN from the Token Editor window.


The "Change User PIN" button allows you to change the User PIN. You will be first asked to enter the current User PIN. The factory default User PIN is 12345678. Next, you will be asked to enter the new PIN and to confirm it by typing it again. Type a number from one to eight digits (you may only use the characters 0-9).




Note: available in Ritlabs The Bat! Professional only


You can unblock the User PIN in the Token Editor window.


The "Unblock User PIN" button allows the Security Officer to unblock the User PIN after the retry counter has been decremented to zero, or if the User has forgotten the PIN. To unblock the User PIN you must create a new user PIN for the token. You will be first asked to enter the current Security Officer PIN. Next, you will be asked to enter the new PIN and to confirm it by typing it again. Type a number consisting of from one to eight digits (you may only use the characters 0-9).