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Using Blocks Templates

If you are processing a large number of documents with an identical layout (e.g. forms or questionnaires), analyzing the layout of every page will be time consuming. To save time, create a blocks template (i.e. a standard set of blocks of a particular type that correspond to a page’s layout) and then apply the template to all pages you wish recognized that have the same layout.

Note: Documents should always be scanned using their respective template(s) and using the resolution that was used to create the template(s).

To create a blocks template:

  1. Open an image and draw the blocks automatically or manually.
  2. Select Save Blocks Template in the Image menu. The Save Blocks Template As dialog will open. Type a file name for the block template in the dialog.

To load a block template:

  1. Click the Batch Window and select the pages you wish to apply the blocks template to.  
  2. Select Load Blocks Template in the Image menu. The Open Blocks Template dialog will open.
  3. Select the relevant blocks template file in the dialog.  
  4. Click the appropriate Apply to item in the group. All pages applies the blocks template to all batch pages, while Selected pages applies the blocks template only to selected pages. 
  5. Click the Open button.