When you set up online accounts, you can choose to have Money remember the passwords for your online banks and brokerages so that you can quickly and easily connect to them from your Money file. If you store your bank sign-in information in Money, you can protect those passwords by signing in to Money using a Windows Live ID. The Windows Live ID helps secure your Money file with a single e-mail address and password, which can be much more convenient than entering a different password for each bank account.
You are never required to store your bank password in Money. However, if you choose not to have Money remember your bank password, certain convenient features, such as automatic online updates, will not work. Because automatic online updates happen on a regular schedule, Money needs to have your bank sign-in information available, whether or not you are present to enter your password.
If you want to change this setting, or if you need to update your bank password in Money, in the left pane of the account register, click Change account settings, and then click the link under Online Services.
In some cases, you can change the password for your bank or brokerage directly in Money. To learn more, see the related topics below.