 Change View 

The Save Pages Dialog

Option name

Option description

File name Specify the file name.
Save as type Specify the file type.
Save pages Click a radio button depending on what pages you want to save:
  • Selected Pages - if you only want to save selected batch pages;
  • All Pages - if you want to save all the batch pages. 
File options Specify the saving mode:
  • Create a separate file for each page - each batch page is saved to a separate file. The batch page number is automatically added to the end of the file name.  
  • Name files as source images - use this option to save each page in separate files the names of which are the same as the names of source images. 
    1. Pages which do not contain the information about the source image (for example scanned pages) will not be saved in this mode. A warning will be displayed if such page occurs between the saved ones.
    2. If a group of batch pages next to each other have the same image as the source image or their source images have the same name, these pages are treated as if they were pages of a multipage TIFF and the text of these pages will be saved into a single file. In case the pages with the same names of source images aren't located next to each other, the pages are treated as if their image files are different, and so the text is saved in different files with the same name to which an index is appended: _1, _2, etc.
  • Create a new file at each blank page - the whole batch is treated as a set of page groups, each group ending with a blank page. The pages from different groups are saved into different files with names that are formed from a user specified name with an index appended: -1, -2, -3 and so on.
  • Create a single file for all pages - all (or all selected) batch pages are saved to a single file.
Retain layout Set the layout saving mode:
  • Retain full page layout - the document layout is retained in full: arrangement into paragraphs, font and font size, columns, text direction, text color, the structure of tables. Frames are used to retain pictures in the recognized text. This option is set by default.
    Note: If you don't see pictures in the exported text, check if the Keep Pictures option is also set.
  • Retain font and font size - structure of tables, arrangement into paragraphs, font and font size are retained.  
  • Remove all formatting - only structure of tables and arrangement into paragraphs are retained.
Keep pictures Set this option to keep pictures in the recognized text. 
Formats Settings (button) Opens the RTF/DOC/Word XML, XLS, PDF, PPT, HTML, TXT, DBF, CSV and LIT dialogs so you may set advanced text saving options for these formats. 
Open document after saving Opens the saved document in the appropriate application.