Add technical indicators to a price history chart
On a price history chart, you can display technical indicators as part of the analysis of a stock or a fund. The technical indicators available are:
  1. At the top of the page, click Investing, and then click Stocks or Funds.
  2. Type a company name or ticker symbol in the Name or symbol box, and then click Get Quote.

    If Money finds multiple possible matches, choose a stock or fund from the Search Results list.

  3. In the left pane under Charts, click Historical.
  4. At the top of the chart, click the Chart arrow, and then click Price History.
  5. On the chart's Analysis menu, click a technical indicator.
  6. Optional: Change the time period settings for an indicator.
    1. Under Technical Indicators, select an indicator, and then specify the periods you want to chart.

      For MACD, choose lower period settings (for example, 10 days) for short-term analysis, and higher settings (such as 50 days) for longer-term analysis.

      For RSI, the time period setting determines the indicator's volatility. Choose a lower setting (for example, 7 days) for higher volatility, and higher settings (such as 21 days) for less volatility.

      For the stochastic indicators, using the Slow Stochastic reduces the volatility in the indicator and therefore may be easier to interpret. In the %K and %D boxes, choose lower settings (for example, 5 days) for short-term analysis, and higher settings (such as 50 days) for longer-term analysis.

    2. Click OK.


To remove the technical indicator, on the chart's Analysis menu, click No Technical Indicator.