Show price indicators on a price history chart
On a price history chart, you can display price indicators as part of the analysis of a stock or a fund. The price indicators available are Bollinger bands , moving average envelope , and price channel .
  1. At the top of the page, click Investing, and then click Stocks or Funds.
  2. Type a company name or ticker symbol in the Name or symbol box, and then click Get Quote.
  3. In the left pane under Charts, click Historical.
  4. At the top of the chart, click the Chart arrow, and then click Price History.
  5. On the chart's Period menu, select a time period of one month or greater.
  6. On the chart's Analysis menu, point to Price Indicators, and then click a price indicator.
  7. Optional: Set the period, standard deviation, MA envelope width, or other settings for price indicators
    1. Under Price Indicators, click a price indicator, and then enter values for periods or other settings.
    2. Click OK.
