Show price indicators on a price history
On a price
history chart, you can display price indicators as part of the
analysis of a stock or a fund. The price indicators available are
Bollinger bands
technical indicator that charts a stock price's standard deviations
above and below a moving average, used to find unusual price
movements. ) ,
moving average
envelope ( A trading band (bounded by upper and lower lines) that
is plotted on top of a security's price chart at a specified
percentage above and below a selected moving average. ) ,
price channel
margin defined by upper and lower lines that typically show the
trailing 20-day high and 20-day low. Using the price channel
strategy, you buy when the weekly closing price moves up to a new
20-period high, and you sell or sell short when the weekly closing
price moves down to a new 20-period low. ) .
- At the top of the page, click Investing, and
then click Stocks or Funds.
- Type a company name or ticker symbol in the Name or
symbol box, and then click Get
- In the left pane under Charts, click
- At the top of the chart, click the Chart
arrow, and then click Price History.
- On the chart's Period menu, select a time
period of one month or greater.
- On the chart's Analysis menu, point to
Price Indicators, and then click a price
- Optional: Set the
period, standard deviation, MA envelope width, or other settings
for price indicators
- On the chart's
Analysis menu, click
- Under Price Indicators, click a price
indicator, and then enter values for periods or other
- Click OK.
- You can hide price indicator lines. In the legend on the right
side of the chart, clear the check box for any indicator you want
to hide.
- Choose a lower period setting (such as 10 days) for short-term
analysis and a higher setting (such as 1 year) for longer-term
- With the Bollinger Bands indicator, you can adjust the
Standard Deviation setting to make the band wider
or narrower.
- With the moving average envelope indicator, the
Width setting determines how much a stock price
has to change to be considered outside the moving average