Welcome to the Natural E-Mail System

Welcome to The Bat! - The Natural E-Mail System

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The Bat! is a powerful, yet easy to use e-mail program created for professionals as well as beginners.



There are many automated e-mail handling features built in::


† efficient processing for large numbers of messages
† easy-to-use interface
† supports multiple mail accounts
† extensive use of Windows' multitasking capabilities
† pre-process on the mail server - without actually downloading messages to the local hard drive
† versatile and comfortable message editor
† sophisticated templates and complex filtering
† internal address book
† safe from viruses and other malware
† highly secure (Professional version adds security token support and mailbase encryption)


The Bat! was developed with business messaging in mind and, as such, its design promotes easy and efficient mail management:


† real-time automatic spellchecker
† full 32-bit multithreading (send, receive and edit mail at the same time)
† fast, browser-independent HTML Mail viewer (safe from viruses)
† Quick Templates to insert text and much more
† threading by reference, subject, sender or recipient
† Mail Ticker™ announces new messages while The Bat! is minimized
† powerful mail filtering system
† extensive support for PGP/GPG and S/MIME signing and encryption
† The Bat! can handle multiple accounts with ease
† automatic mail retrieval to your own schedule
† import messages from:
· Microsoft Outlook Express
· Microsoft Outlook
· Netscape Communicator
· Netscape Mail
· Eudora Lite/Pro
· Pegasus Mail
† import address books:
· vCard
· TXT (tab separated)
· Eudora
· Pegasus
† choose from ten different interface languages
† park messages to secure them from accidental deletion
† powerful address book can use individualized templates for each recipient and for new messages, replies, and forwards
† powerful built-in search engine - find that lost email in seconds
† Mail Dispatcher - manages mail directly on the server
† multi-user: The Bat! is an easy and low-cost corporate mail network server solution
† Submission Forms
† virus safe
† dial-up networking support, message actions, live URLs, nested folders, smart drag & drop, and many more features for beginners and advanced users!