To quickly search for an index term, press CTRL+F to open the Find window.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R |
S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | 0-9, * |
- Change formatting or styles for accessibility
- Text overview
- Add text to the active document
- Working with the User Guide
active document
- Insert an item into the active document
- Change the active document
- Managing your work
- Add text to the active document
- Insert an audio or video file into the active document
- Test the active document
adaptive layout
- Add or modify objects
- Add an element to a layout panel
- Add a bitmap effect to an object
- Add an image, audio, or video file to a project
- Add an object to text flow
- Add animation to a button
- Add or delete a timeline
- Add or remove a data source
- Add or remove a gradient stop
- Add or remove a material
- Add or remove a node on a path
- Add or remove a panel
- Add or remove a reference
- Add or remove a row or column
- Add or remove an event trigger
- Add text to the active document
- Add, copy, or delete a light
- Add, link to, or remove an item from a project
- Managing your projects overview
- Managing your work
- Move an object
- Transformations overview
- Redefine handles for an anchor point
- Objects overview
- Drawing overview
- Move a light
- Move a 3D object
- Grid panel
- Align objects
- Change the alignment of an element
- Format paragraphs
- Grid panel
- Working with objects
- Turn on or off snapping and the snap grid
- Align objects
- Change the alignment of an element
- Format paragraphs
- Grid panel
- Working with objects
- Turn on or off snapping and the snap grid
- Copy or apply attributes to an object
- Change the transparency of a fill or stroke
- Change the transparency of an object
- Appearance Overview
- Create an opacity mask
- Make a non-rectangular window
- Change the shape of a curve
- Redefine handles for a node
- Draw a shape
- Pen and selection shortcuts
- Zoom in or out of the artboard
- Move the camera
- Move a 3D object
- Dialog box access keys
- Keyboard shortcuts and accelerators
- Menu access keys
- Move an element from one panel to another
ambient light
- Animation and interactivity
- Animation and interactivity overview
- Create simple animation
- Create a motion path
animation timeline
- Timelines
- Animation and interactivity
- Create simple animation
- Create a motion path
- Create overlapping animations
- Add animation to a button
- Test an animation timeline
- Control media using triggers in a timeline
animation transitions
- Using multiple and overlapping animation timelines
- Playing with handoff animations
- Keyframes
- Change animation interpolation between keyframes
- Appearance
- Appearance Overview
- Drawing overview
- Transformations overview
- Styles and templates
- Change the color of text objects
- Add or remove a material
Appearance properties
arranging elements
- Layout overview
- Layout types
- Move an object
- Transformations overview
- Redefine handles for an anchor point
- Objects overview
- Drawing overview
- Move a light
- Move a 3D object
- Grid panel
- Areas of the workspace
- Adjusting the workspace
- Add or modify objects
- Change the active document
- Pan the artboard
- Zoom in or out of the artboard
- Add or remove a reference
- Add or remove a data source
- Create a CLR object data source
- Deploying and publishing Expression Blend applications
- Debugging Expression Blend applications
- Asset Library
- Toolbox
- Controls overview
- Working with simple styles
- Import XAML that is exported from Expression Design
- Create a user control
- Create a custom control
- Managing resources
Asset Library
attached property
- Copy or apply attributes to an object
- Properties panel
- Appearance Overview
- What is XAML?
- Edit a XAML file in XAML view
- Add an image, audio, or video file to a project
- Insert an audio or video file into the active document
- Control media using triggers in a timeline
- Remove an audio or video file
- Media
- Media overview
auto size
- Resize an element
- Menu access keys
- Menu shortcuts
- Change the size of a row or column
- Layout overview
- Transformations overview
- Flip an object
- Offset the position of an object
- 3D overview
- Move a 3D object
- Move the direction of a light
back material
- Materials
- Add or remove a material
- Change the order of materials
- Create an image or drawing brush to apply as a material
- Apply a brush to an object's fill or stroke
- Styles and templates
- Working with simple styles
- Edit a style
- Apply a style used by another control
- Create a rollover button
- Control media using triggers in a timeline
- Event handling
- Appearance Overview
- Add a bitmap effect to an object
- Create a button using bitmap effects
- Customize the SimpleTabItem using a bitmap effect
bevel join
bind to a field of data
- Data binding
- Bind data to a property or element
- Create or modify a data template
- Create an RSS news reader
- Create and apply a value converter
bind to a property
- Data binding
- Bind data to a property or element
- Create a CLR object data source
- Create and apply a value converter
- Create or modify a data template
- Creating an RSS news reader
bitmap effect
- Add a bitmap effect to an object
- Create a button using bitmap effects
- Appearance Overview
- Customize the SimpleTabItem using a bitmap effect
blending keyframes
- Using multiple and overlapping animation timelines
- Playing with handoff animations
- Keyframes
- Change animation interpolation between keyframes
- Other layout containers
- Add an element to a layout panel
- Common appearance properties
- Group or ungroup objects
Border panel
border thickness
bounding box
- Transformations overview
- Rotate an object
- Scale an object
- Add an element to a layout panel
- Add or modify objects
- Format paragraphs
- Move an element from one panel to another
- Move a 3D object
browser application
- Deploying and publishing Expression Blend applications
- Debugging Expression Blend applications in Visual Studio
- Brushes
- Apply a brush to an object's fill or stroke
- Add or remove a gradient stop
- Appearance
- Create a brush or color resource
- Create an image or drawing brush to apply as a material
- Change the color of text objects
- Create an opacity mask
- Import XAML that is exported from Expression Design
brush resource
brush transform tool
Brushes properties
- Controls overview
- Toolbox
- SimpleButton
- Make an object into a button
- Add animation to a button
- Create a button using bitmap effects
- Create a rollover button
- Add a bitmap effect to an object
- Animation and interactivity overview
- Control media using triggers in a timeline
camera container
camera orbit
Camera properties
Canvas panel
center point
check box
child element
- Working with objects
- Move an object
- Move an element from one panel to another
- Controls overview
- Layout overview
- Add an element to a layout panel
- Insert an item into the active document
- Create a user control
- Create a custom control
- Create a CLR object data source
- Create a new event handler method
- Create and apply a value converter
- Sharing code
clip to bounds
- Edit a code-behind file
- Code editing
- Create a new event handler method
- Dialog box access keys
- Editing XAML
- Event handling
- Path editing
- Drawing overview
- Make or remove a clipping path
- Turn clipping on or off for a container
- Add or remove a material
- Move the camera
- Move a 3D object
clipping path
- Close a document, project, or solution
- Delete a document, item, project, or solution
- Managing your work
- Menu access keys
- Menu shortcuts
CLR object data source
- Create a CLR object data source
- Add or remove a data source
- Add or remove a reference
- Data
- Data overview
- Edit a code-behind file
- Code editing
- XAML and code editing
- Create a custom control
- Create and apply a value converter
- Debugging Expression Blend applications in Visual Studio
- Event handling
- Windows Presentation Foundation reference materials
- Edit a code-behind file
- Code editing
- XAML and code editing
- Create a custom control
- Create and apply a value converter
- Debugging Expression Blend applications in Visual Studio
- Event handling
- Windows Presentation Foundation reference materials
color channel
color editor
- Properties panel
- Brushes
- Apply a brush to an object's fill or stroke
- Create a brush or color resource
color picker
- Properties panel
- Brushes
- Apply a brush to an object's fill or stroke
- Create a brush or color resource
color resource
- Appearance
- Create a brush or color resource
- Create an image or drawing brush to apply as a material
- Resources overview
combo box
- Categories of controls
- SimpleComboBox and SimpleComboBoxItem
- Customize the appearance of the expander button in a SimpleComboBox
Common Properties
compilation errors
Component Object Model (COM)
compound keyframe
compound path
- Compound paths
- Make or release a compound path
- Drawing
- Create a motion path
- Convert text to a path
- Menu access keys
constant attenuation
- Layout overview
- Add an element to a layout panel
- Move an element from one panel to another
- Change the panel type of an existing panel
- Change the stack order of objects
- Move an object
- Move a 3D object
- Add or remove a material
- Add, copy, or delete a light
- Controls overview
- Create a content control
- Create a headered control
- Create an items control
- Layout overview
- Text overview
- Import 3D content
content control
content presenter
content template
control template (control parts)
- Create a brush or color resource
- Change a shape into a path
- Convert text to a path
- Create a motion path
- Make an object into a button
- Create a resource
- Import XAML that is exported from Expression Design
- 3D overview
- Convert a 2D image into 3D
convert a 2D object to 3D
convert objects
- Change a shape into a path
- Convert text to a path
- Create a motion path
- Make an object into a button
- Convert a 2D image into 3D
convert properties
convert values
- Copy and paste a document or item
- Copy or apply attributes to an object
- Copy, cut, paste, or delete an object
- Add, copy, or delete a light
- Managing your work
- Managing resources
- Managing your projects overview
- Move a keyframe
- Move, copy, or export a resource
- Sharing code
- Working with objects
- Menu access keys
- Menu shortcuts
copy of style
copy of template
corner join
- Appearance Overview
- Add or modify objects
- Drawing
- Drawing overview
- Round the corners of a rectangle
- Customize the look of a SimpleScrollBar
- Adjusting your workspace
- Dialog box access keys
- Keyboard shortcuts and accelerators
- Make text editable or read only
- Rename a resource
- Save a document, project, or solution
- Select an object
- Undo or redo an action
- User Guide shortcuts
- Transformations overview
- Edit text
- Pen and selection shortcuts
- Resize a panel
- Round the corners of a rectangle
- Zoom in or out of the artboard
- Zoom in or out on a timeline
- Draw a curve
- Change the shape of a curve
- Add or remove a node on a path
- Appearance Overview
- Pen and selection shortcuts
custom control
- Create a user control
- Create a custom control
- Add or remove a reference
- Controls overview
- Sharing code
custom expression
customize a control
- Create a user control
- Create a custom control
- Add or remove a reference
- Controls overview
- Sharing code
customize the workspace
- Combine shapes or paths
- Copy, cut, paste, or delete an object
- Cut a document or item
- Editing XAML
- Managing your work
- Menu access keys
- Menu shortcuts
- Move a keyframe
- Working with objects
data base
data binding
- Bind data to a property or element
- Data binding
- Create a CLR object data source
- Create and apply a value converter
- Create or modify a data template
- Creating an RSS news reader
data flow
data source
- Data sources
- Add or remove a data source
- Add or remove a reference
- Bind data to a property or element
- Create a CLR object data source
- Creating an RSS news reader
Data panel
- Project panel
- Data overview
- Bind data to a property or element
- View a list of data sources in a document
- Add or remove a data source
data template
- Data templates
- Create or modify a data template
- Creating an RSS news reader
- Create a CLR object data source
data trigger
- Debugging Expression Blend applications
- Debugging Expression Blend applications in Visual Studio
- Handling errors
- Edit a code-behind file
- Code editing
- Copy, cut, paste, or delete an object
- Add or delete a timeline
- Add or remove a material
- Add or remove a node on a path
- Add or remove a reference
- Add or remove a row or column
- Add or remove an event trigger
- Add, copy, or delete a light
- Add, link to, or remove an item from a project
- Apply or remove a resource
- Create a motion path
- Create a new event handler method
- Create, export, or import a resource dictionary
- Delete a document, item, project, or solution
- Delete a keyframe
- Delete a resource
- Delete part of a path
- Menu access keys
- Menu shortcuts
- Remove an audio or video file
Design view
device-independent pixel, device-independent unit
diffuse material
direct selection
- Drawing tools
- Change the shape of a curve
- Delete part of a path
- Redefine handles for a node
- Pen and selection shortcuts
- Create a motion path
- Select an object
- Toolbox
directional light
Dock panel
- Dock panel
- Add an element to a layout panel
- Change dock orientation
- Change the docking order
- Controls overview
- Layout overview
- Layout types
- Create a new document or project
- Save a document, project, or solution
- Change the active document
- Test the active document
- Insert an item into the active document
- Managing your work
- Managing your projects overview
document services
drawing brush
- Appearance Overview
- Create an image or drawing brush to apply as a material
- Import XAML that is exported from Expression Design
- Overview
drawing object
drawing tools
drop shadow
ease in, ease out
edit other styles
edit other templates
editing text
editors, properties
- Properties panel
- Using the custom expression editor
- Using the sub-property and collection editors
- Add or remove a material
editor, XAML
element order
element property
- Bind data to a property or element
- Data binding
- Create a CLR object data source
- Create and apply a value converter
- Create or modify a data template
emissive material
end caps
- Handling errors
- Build a project
- Debugging Expression Blend applications
- Debugging Expression Blend applications in Visual Studio
- Results panel
- Test a project
- Test the active document
- XAML and code editing
- Add or remove an event trigger
- Triggers overview
- Create simple animation
- Control media using triggers in a timeline
- Animation and interactivity overview
- Create a new event handler method
- Events quick reference
- Edit a control template
- Edit a style
- Test the interactivity of triggers and event handlers
event handler
- Event handling
- Animation and interactivity overview
- Code editing
- Create a new event handler method
- Hook up to an existing event handler method
- Events quick reference
- Make a non-rectangular window
- Test the interactivity of triggers and event handlers
event trigger
- Triggers overview
- Add or remove an event trigger
- Control media using triggers in a timeline
- Create simple animation
- Create a button using bitmap effects
- Create overlapping animations
- Playing with handoff animations
- (See the How To topics listed in each section)
- (See the Samples tab in the Welcome Screen)
- Windows Presentation Foundation reference materials
export assets
- Sharing code
- Create a user control
- Create a custom control
- Resources overview
- Create, export, or import a resource dictionary
- Import XAML from Expression Blend
export resources
- Resources overview
- Create, export, or import a resource dictionary
- Import XAML from Expression Blend
export styles
- Resources overview
- Create, export, or import a resource dictionary
- Import XAML from Expression Blend
export templates
- Resources overview
- Create, export, or import a resource dictionary
- Import XAML from Expression Blend
export XAML
- Import XAML that is exported from Expression Design
- Sharing code
- Resources overview
- Create, export, or import a resource dictionary
- Import XAML from Expression Blend
Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML)
external data source
external resource dictionary
- Eyedropper and Paint Bucket tools
- Create a brush or color resource
- Toolbox shortcuts
- Copy or apply attributes to an object
- Create a new document or project
- Add text to the active document
- Interaction panel
- Managing your work
- Managing your projects overview
- Make a non-rectangular window
- Create a user control
- Edit a code-behind file
- Create a custom control
- Transformations overview
- Flip an object
- Add or modify objects
- Change the center point of an object
- Formatting text
- Transform a gradient or tile brush
flow direction
- Add an object to text flow
- Add text to the active document
- Text overview
- Toolbox
- Using the sub-property and collection editors
- Format font properties
- Formatting text
- Text overview
- Appearance Overview
- Copy or apply attributes to an object
- Create a hyperlink
- Properties panel
- Change the color of text objects
- Appearance Overview
- Copy or apply attributes to an object
- Transform a gradient or tile brush
- Formatting text
- Format font properties
- Format paragraphs
- Add text to the active document
- Change formatting or styles for accessibility
- Change the color of text objects
- Indent a line or paragraph
- Set text wrapping
- Text overview
frame rate
freeform path
globalization, localization
gradient brush
- Add or remove a gradient stop
- Appearance Overview
- Create a brush or color resource
- Create an opacity mask
- Properties panel
- Transform a gradient or tile brush
- Apply a brush to an object's fill or stroke
Graphic User Interface (GUI)
- Drawing overview
- Import XAML that is exported from Expression Design
- Setting up your computer
- Media overview
Grid panel
group into
- Event handling
- Create a new event handler method
- Hook up to an existing event handler method
- Animation and interactivity overview
- Events quick reference
- Make a non-rectangular window
- Test the interactivity of triggers and event handlers
- Move an object
- Transformations overview
- Redefine handles for an anchor point
- Objects overview
- Drawing overview
- Move a light
- Move a 3D object
- Grid panel
handoff animation
- Controls overview
- Create a headered control
- Create an items control
- SimpleExpander
- SimpleMenu and SimpleMenuItem
- SimpleTabControl and SimpleTabItem
headered control
- Controls overview
- Create a headered control
- Create an items control
- SimpleExpander
- SimpleMenu and SimpleMenuItem
- SimpleTabControl and SimpleTabItem
- Appearance Overview
- Resize an element
- Scale an object
- Copy or apply attributes to an object
- Change the size of a row or column
- Draw a shape
- Formatting text
- Layout overview
- Code editing
- Debugging Expression Blend applications
- Debugging Expression Blend applications in Visual Studio
- Navigating the User Guide
- Setting up your computer
- Windows Presentation Foundation reference materials
hex value
hide objects
hit test
hold out
- Using multiple and overlapping animation timelines
- Playing with handoff animations
- Keyframes
- Change animation interpolation between keyframes
hook up an event handler
- Event handling
- Create a new event handler method
- Hook up to an existing event handler method
- Animation and interactivity overview
- Events quick reference
- Make a non-rectangular window
- Test the interactivity of triggers and event handlers
horizontal alignment
horizontal slider
- Add an image, audio, or video file to a project
- Convert a 2D image into 3D
- Create an image or drawing brush to apply as a material
- Media overview
- Insert an item into the active document
- Import XAML that is exported from Expression Design
image brush
implicit keyframe
import 3D objects
import art
import Expression Design objects
import images
import media
- Add an image, audio, or video file to a project
- Insert an audio or video file into the active document
import resources
import video
- Add an image, audio, or video file to a project
- Insert an audio or video file into the active document
import XAML
ink input
insert audio
- Insert an audio or video file into the active document
- Add an image, audio, or video file to a project
insert image
insert media
- Insert an audio or video file into the active document
- Add an image, audio, or video file to a project
insert video
- Insert an audio or video file into the active document
- Add an image, audio, or video file to a project
inspector, properties
installing Blend
installing your application
- Animation and interactivity overview
- Add or remove a trigger
- Triggers overview
- Create simple animation
- Control media using triggers in a timeline
- Create a button using bitmap effects
- Create a new event handler method
- Playing with handoff animations
- Events quick reference
- Edit a control template
- Edit a style
- Test the interactivity of triggers and event handlers
Interaction panel
internal data source
Internet Explorer
- Code editing and Visual Studio 2005 interoperability
- Debugging Expression Blend applications
- Deploying and publishing Expression Blend applications
- Edit a code-behind file
- Sharing code
- Add or remove a reference
- Import XAML that is exported from Expression Design
- Add, link to, or remove an item from a project
- Add an image, audio, or video file to a project
- Apply or remove a resource
- Changing the look of the selected item in a SimpleListBox
- Add or remove a reference
- Delete a document, item, project, or solution
- Insert an item into the active document
- Customize the SimpleTabItem using a bitmap effect
- Create an items control
item container template
items control
items host
- Eyedropper and Paint Bucket tools
- Change the stroke properties of an object
- Copy or apply attributes to an object
- Pen and selection shortcuts
- Group or ungroup objects
joining paths
- Eyedropper and Paint Bucket tools
- Change the stroke properties of an object
- Pen and selection shortcuts
- Change animation interpolation between keyframes
- Create a resource
- Move, copy, or export a resource
- Rename a resource
- Create a style resource
- Edit a control template
- Make an object into a button
- Import XAML that is exported from Expression Design
keyboard input
keyboard shortcuts
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Dialog box access keys
- Menu access keys
- Menu shortcuts
- Pen and selection shortcuts
- Toolbox shortcuts
- User Guide shortcuts
- Keyframes
- Create simple animation
- Add animation to a button
- Interaction panel
- Change animation interpolation between keyframes
- Delete a keyframe
- Make a keyframe
- Move a keyframe
- Change the snap resolution
- Create overlapping animations
- Playing with handoff animations
keyframe interpolation
Label control
- Categories of controls
- Add text to the active document
- Create a headered control
- Text overview
- Toolbox
layout panel
- Add an element to a layout panel
- Make a layout panel the active element
- Change the panel type of an existing panel
- Move an element from one panel to another
- Canvas panel
- Dock panel
- Grid panel
- Stack panel
- Wrap panel
- Other layout containers
- Layout types
Layout properties
- Resize an element
- Change dock orientation
- Change stack orientation
- Change the alignment of an element
- Change the docking order
- Change the margins of an element
- Lights
- Add, copy, or delete a light
- Change the color of a light
- Change the type of a light
- Move the direction of a light
- Properties panel
Light properties
- Drawing overview
- Draw a curve
- Draw a shape
- Draw a straight line
- Appearance Overview
- Add or remove a row or column
- Go to a specific line in XAML
- Indent a line or paragraph
- Turn on or off snapping and the snap grid
linear attenuation
linear gradient brush
- Add or remove a gradient stop
- Transform a gradient or tile brush
- Apply a brush to an object's fill or stroke
- Appearance Overview
linear interpolation
link to
- Managing your projects overview
- Add, link to, or remove an item from a project
- Create, export, or import a resource dictionary
- Insert an audio or video file into the active document
- Create a hyperlink
- Import 3D content
- Categories of controls
- Create a list
- Create an items control
- SimpleComboBox and SimpleComboBoxItem
- SimpleListBox and SimpleListBoxItem
- Asset Library
- Changing the look of the selected item in a SimpleListBox
- Stack panel
- Creating an RSS news reader
list box
- Categories of controls
- Create an items control
- SimpleListBox and SimpleListBoxItem
- Changing the look of the selected item in a SimpleListBox
load data
local resource
- Resources overview
- Create a resource
- Apply or remove a resource
- Create a style resource
- Apply a style used by another control
- Edit a control template
local style
logical unit (device-independent unit)
looping animation
make brush resource
- Create a brush or color resource
- Create an image or drawing brush to apply as a material
- Import XAML that is exported from Expression Design
- Modify a resource
- Resources overview
make button
- Make an object into a button
- Create a content control
- SimpleButton
- Create a rollover button
- Create a button using bitmap effects
- Add animation to a button
make image 3D
marker style
marker, property
- What is XAML?
- View an object or resource in XAML
- XAML and code editing
- Edit a XAML file
- Editing XAML
- Customize the XAML editor
- Find and replace in XAML
- Go to a specific line in XAML
markup order
master-detail binding
- Materials
- Add or remove a material
- Change the order of materials
- Create an image or drawing brush to apply as a material
- Move a 3D object
- Properties panel
Material properties
materials container
- Media overview
- Add an image, audio, or video file to a project
- Insert an audio or video file into the active document
- Remove an audio or video file
- Control media using triggers in a timeline
Menu control
menus in Blend
- Adjusting your workspace
- Dialog box access keys
- Keyboard shortcuts and accelerators
- Menu access keys
- Menu shortcuts
merging paths
Miscellaneous properties
motion path
- Create a motion path
- Creating timelines manually or by using motion paths
- Create overlapping animations
mouse event
- Move a keyframe
- Move an element from one panel to another
- Move an object
- Move the camera
- Move the direction of a light
- Move the object
- Move, copy, or export a resource
- Change the center point of an object
- Change the stack order of objects
- Group or ungroup objects
- Create a motion path
- Go to a specific time in a timeline
- Pan the artboard
- Zoom in or out on a timeline
named style
- Create a CLR object data source
- Create a custom control
- Create and apply a value converter
- Debugging Expression Blend applications
OBJ file
- Objects overview
- Add or modify objects
- Align objects
- Group or ungroup objects
- Select an object
- View an object or resource in XAML
- Import 3D content
- Create a CLR object data source
object boundaries
- Transformations overview
- Rotate an object
- Scale an object
- Add an element to a layout panel
- Add or modify objects
- Format paragraphs
- Move an element from one panel to another
- Move a 3D object
object data source
object layering
object-level keyframe
Objects and Timeline
- Interaction panel
- Add an element to a layout panel
- Add or modify objects
- Add or remove a material
- Change the stack order of objects
- Change the stacking order
- Objects overview
one-time binding
one-way binding
one way to source binding
- Appearance Overview
- Change the transparency of a fill or stroke
- Change the transparency of an object
- Create an opacity mask
opacity mask
open project
options, workspace options
- Adjusting your workspace
- Change the theme of your workspace
- Zoom in or out of the workspace
- Turn on or off snapping and the snap grid
- Dock or float a panel
- Resize a panel
- Show or hide all panels
- Reset the workspace to the default view
- Change the stack order of objects
- Objects overview
- Change the docking order
- Change the order of materials
- Change the stacking order
- Layout
- Objects overview
orthographic camera
outer glow
- Add a bitmap effect to an object
- Appearance Overview
- Customize the progress indicator of a SimpleProgressBar
overlapping objects
overlapping timelines
- Create a new document or project
- Save a document, project, or solution
- Change the active document
- Test the active document
- Insert an item into the active document
- Delete a document, item, project, or solution
- Copy and paste a document or item
- Close a document, project, or solution
- Cut a document or item
- Managing your projects overview
paint bucket
panel control
- Add an element to a layout panel
- Make a layout panel the active element
- Group or ungroup objects
- Change the panel type of an existing panel
- Change the stack order of objects
- Move an element from one panel to another
- Canvas panel
- Dock panel
- Grid panel
- Stack panel
- Wrap panel
- Other layout containers
- Layout types
- Format paragraphs
- Formatting text
- Indent a line or paragraph
- Text overview
- Using the sub-property and collection editors
parent element
partial class
password box
- Add, copy, or delete a light
- Copy and paste a document or item
- Copy, cut, paste, or delete an object
- Move a keyframe
- Move, copy, or export a resource
- Drawing overview
- Draw a curve
- Draw a straight line
- Add or remove a node on a path
- Draw a freeform path
- Delete part of a path
- Change a shape into a path
- Combine shapes or paths
- Make or release a compound path
- Make or remove a clipping path
- Create an image or drawing brush to apply as a material
- Create a motion path
perspective camera
play animation
point light
- Other layout containers
- Layout overview
- Add an element to a layout panel
- SimpleMenu and SimpleMenuItem
product key
Project panel
Properties panel
- Creating and modifying controls
- Properties panel
- Using the sub-property and collection editors
- Using the custom expression editor
property trigger
- Triggers overview
- Add or remove an event trigger
- Changing the look of the selected item in a SimpleListBox
- Customize the appearance of the expander button in a SimpleComboBox
- Edit a control template
- SimpleButton
quadratic attenuation
radial gradient brush
- Add or remove a gradient stop
- Appearance Overview
- Apply a brush to an object's fill or stroke
- Transform a gradient or tile brush
radio button
- Create, export, or import a resource dictionary
- Move, copy, or export a resource
- Rename a resource
- Rename an object
repeat count, timeline
- Move a keyframe
- Move an element from one panel to another
- Move an object
- Move the camera
- Move the direction of a light
- Move the object
- Move, copy, or export a resource
- Change the center point of an object
- Change the stack order of objects
- Group or ungroup objects
- Create a motion path
- Go to a specific time in a timeline
- Pan the artboard
- Zoom in or out on a timeline
resizable layout
- Layout
- Change the size of a row or column
- Resize an element
- Objects overview
- Add or modify objects
- Transformations
- Scale an object
- The workspace
- Adjusting your workspace
- Resize a panel
- Change the snap resolution
- Setting up your computer
- System requirements
- Zoom the workspace in or out
- Zoom the artboard in or out
resource dictionary
Resources panel
Results panel
- Results panel
- Areas of the workspace
- Build a project
- Debugging Expression Blend applications
- Handling errors
- Test a project
RichTextBox control
root layout container
- Change the center point of an object
- Formatting text
- Move the direction of a light
- Move a 3D object
- Rotate an object
- Transform a gradient or tile brush
- Transform an object relatively
round join
rounded corners
RSS reader
run your application
run-time errors
- (See the How To topics listed in each section)
- (See the Samples tab in the Welcome Screen)
- Windows Presentation Foundation reference materials
- Save a document, project, or solution
- Managing your projects overview
- Managing your work
- Menu access keys
- Menu shortcuts
- Scale an object
- Transformations overview
- Transform an object relatively
- Move the camera
- Move the direction of a light
- Move a 3D object
- Create a new document or project
- Save a document, project, or solution
- Change the active document
- Test the active document
- Insert an item into the active document
- Managing your work
- Managing your projects overview
- Styles and templates
- Edit a control template
- Create a style resource
- Modify a resource
- Interaction panel
- Using the sub-property and collection editors
- Create or modify a data template
- Add or remove an event trigger
scrub the timeline
- Draw a shape
- Change a shape into a path
- Change the shape of a curve
- Combine shapes or paths
- Drawing overview
sharing code
- Transformations overview
- Drawing overview
- Select or deselect objects
- Add or modify an object
- Resize or scale an object
- Menu shortcuts
- Pen and selection shortcuts
show objects
show light handles
simple controls
simple keyframe
simple styles and templates
- Resources overview
- Themes and simple styles
- Simple styles
- Create, export, or import a resource dictionary
- Blend overview
snap grid
snap resolution
solid color brush
- Apply a brush to an object's fill or stroke
- Create a brush or color resource
- Appearance Overview
- Properties panel
specular material
spot light
stack order
Stack panel
standalone application
star syntax
- Add or remove an event trigger
- Triggers overview
- Create a rollover button
- Animation and interactivity overview
- Appearance Overview
- Copy or apply attributes to an object
- Change the stroke properties of an object
- Properties panel
- Styles and templates
- Apply a style used by another control
- Apply or remove a resource
- Create a style resource
- Edit a style
- Restore the default style
- Simple styles
syntax errors
system control
system resource
system style
system template
template binding
- Add animation to a button
- Animation and interactivity overview
- Controls overview
- Create a custom control
- SimpleComboBox and SimpleComboBoxItem
test animation
test interactivity
test your project
text block
text box
Text properties
text wrapping
theme, styles and templates
theme, workspace
tile brush
- Transform a gradient or tile brush
- Apply a brush to an object's fill or stroke
- Create a brush or color resource
time display
time snapping
- Timelines
- Create a simple animation
- Add animation to a button
- Add or delete a timeline
- Control media using triggers in a timeline
- Create a motion path
- Create overlapping animations
- Go to a specific time in a timeline
- Scrub the timeline
- Set the loop duration
- Test an animation timeline
- Test the interactivity of triggers and event handlers
- Turn on or off timeline snapping
- Zoom in or out on a timeline
toggle lights
tracing, events
Transform properties
transformation between keyframes
- Move an object
- Move a 3D object
- Change the center point of an object
- Offset the position of an object
- Transformations overview
- Appearance Overview
- Change the transparency of a fill or stroke
- Change the transparency of an object
- Drawing overview
- Make a non-rectangular window
- Triggers overview
- Add or remove an event trigger
- Edit a control template
- Test the interactivity of triggers and event handlers
- Control media using triggers in a timeline
- Events quick reference
- Add animation to a button
Triggers panel
- Triggers overview
- Add or remove an event trigger
- Edit a control template
- Test the interactivity of triggers and event handlers
- Control media using triggers in a timeline
- Events quick reference
- Add animation to a button
two-way binding
undo, redo
uniform grid
unlock objects
user control
User Interface (UI)
value converter
vector graphics
- Add an image, audio, or video file to a project
- Insert an audio or video file into the active document
- Control media using triggers in a timeline
- Media overview
- Areas of the workspace
- Edit a XAML file
- Menu access keys
- Menu shortcuts
- Pan the artboard
- Reset the workspace to original view
- Show or hide all panels
- The workspace
- View a list of data sources in a document
- View an object or resource in XAML
- Zoom in or out of the artboard
view box
view lights
viewport 3D
- Deploying and publishing Expression Blend applications
- Setting up your computer
- System requirements
- Windows Presentation Foundation reference materials
- Themes and simple styles
visual brush
Visual Studio
- Edit a code-behind file
- Code editing
- Debugging Expression Blend applications
- Debugging Expression Blend applications in Visual Studio
- Deploying and publishing Expression Blend applications
- Editing XAML
- Event handling
window style
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
Windows Vista
- Deploying and publishing Expression Blend applications
- Setting up your computer
- System requirements
- Windows Presentation Foundation reference materials
- Themes and simple styles
Windows XP
- Deploying and publishing Expression Blend applications
- Setting up your computer
- System requirements
- Windows Presentation Foundation reference materials
- Themes and simple styles
- Adjusting your workspace
- Areas of the workspace
- Change the theme of your workspace
- Reset the workspace to original view
- The workspace
- Zoom in or out of the workspace
world geometry
- Add or remove a material
- Add, copy, or delete a light
- Change the color of a light
- Change the order of materials
- Change the type of a light
- Change the type of camera
- Create an image or drawing brush to apply as a material
- Move the camera
- Move the direction of a light
- Move the object
Wrap panel
XAML Browser Application (XBAP)
- Debugging Expression Blend applications in Visual Studio
- Deploying and publishing Expression Blend applications
XAML view
- Areas of the workspace
- Customize the XAML editor
- Editing XAML
- Find and replace in XAML
- Go to a specific line in XAML
- View an object or resource in XAML
- The 3D model
- Move a 3D object
- Move the direction of a light
- Transformations overview
- Offset the position of an object
- Scale an object
- Flip an object
- Debugging Expression Blend applications in Visual Studio
- Deploying and publishing Expression Blend applications
XML data source
- Deploying and publishing Expression Blend applications
- Setting up your computer
- System requirements
- Windows Presentation Foundation reference materials
- Themes and simple styles
- The 3D model
- Move a 3D object
- Move the direction of a light
- Transformations overview
- Offset the position of an object
- Scale an object
- Flip an object
z order
- The 3D model
- Move a 3D object
- Move the direction of a light
- Transformations overview
- Offset the position of an object
- Scale an object
- Flip an object
- Adjusting your workspace
- Zoom in or out of the artboard
- Zoom in or out of the workspace
- Zoom in or out on a timeline
0 - 9, *
- Data
- Trigger
+CLR Object
- Create a CLR object data source
- Add or remove a data source
- Add or remove a reference
- Data
- Data overview
- Add or remove a trigger
- Triggers overview
- Create a rollover button
- Create a button using bitmap effects
- Control media using triggers in a timeline
- Create simple animation
- Edit a control template
- Edit a style
- Events quick reference
- Add or remove a trigger
- Triggers overview
- Create a rollover button
- Create a button using bitmap effects
- Control media using triggers in a timeline
- Create simple animation
- Edit a control template
- Edit a style
- Events quick reference
.cs file
- Edit a code-behind file
- Code editing
- Create a custom control
- Create and apply a value converter
- Debugging Expression Blend applications in Visual Studio
- Event handling
.NET Framework 3.0
- Deploying and publishing Expression Blend applications
- Setting up your computer
- Code editing
- What is XAML?
- Windows Presentation Foundation reference materials
- Debugging Expression Blend applications
- Debugging Expression Blend applications in Visual Studio
.obj file
.vb file
- Edit a code-behind file
- Code editing
- Debugging Expression Blend applications in Visual Studio
- Event handling
.xaml file
- What is XAML?
- XAML and code editing
- Code editing
- Edit a XAML file
- Import XAML that is exported from Expression Design
- Find and replace in XAML
- Go to a specific line in XAML
- 3D
- 3D overview
- Import 3D content
- Convert a 2D image into 3D
- Add or remove a material
- Add, copy, or delete a light
3D model